Scientists have long been trying to understand whether the so-called ninth planet (or Planet X) really exists. And recently they came to an incredible conclusion. A new study by British astronomer Jakub Scholz and his colleague James Unwin says the mysterious object is a primordial black hole.

The existence of primordial black holes has not yet been scientifically confirmed. And at the same time, a significant part of the astronomical community believes that 80% of the entire universe consists of them.

They are believed to have originated shortly after the Big Bang, and some may still exist today. A distinctive feature of such black holes is that they can be very small.

According to Scholz and Unwin, this explains the anomalous phenomena that are recorded in the Kuiper belt. In particular, why some small celestial bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune have unusual trajectories of movement, as well as an excess of microlensing events (a relatively short increase in the brightness of a star at the moment when some massive object passes between it and the observer).

To date, the existence of eight large planetary objects in the solar system has been accurately established, including several dwarf “planets”, including Pluto, Eris, Ceres, etc.

According to scientists, the so-called primordial black hole has a mass five times the mass of the Earth. The radiation from such a hole is negligible, but around it there may be a dark matter halo extending for several astronomical units.

The orbit of Planet X (or the black hole?) is 20 times farther from the Sun than the orbit of Neptune.

However, in practice, it will be quite difficult to prove this theory, since scientists will have to literally hunt down this planet or catch a moving source of gamma or X-rays.

Some astronomers believe that this mysterious object flew into the solar system from the outside about 3 million years ago, that is, it is a rogue planet that once left its parent star.

Source: Read original article here.

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